Local: 1-902-532-2808 | Toll Free: 1-844-292-1929 office@dunromincampsite.com

PIRATE WEEKEND – Cardboard Boat Making

At the Rec Hall

Are you ready to make a boat using ONLY cardboard and duct tape? Now, are you able to race that boat across the finish line before everybody else??  We supply the cardboard at the Rec Hall. Duct tape for sale at the Office. REMEMBER, you must be able to sit INSIDE your boat (surfboards, boogie […]


At the Rec Hall

Don't miss this!! Little kids, big kids and adults, if you're wearing a pacemaker, DO NOT ENTER! Our volunteers do a terrifyingly fantastic job at transforming our Rec Hall into our Haunted Hall.  Please be patient as the line can be very long, but we make sure that everyone gets in before it closes.  Check […]

Movie in the Rec Hall

At the Rec Hall

Come enjoy a Family Friendly movie inside our Rec Hall.  Chairs provided.