Local: 1-902-532-2808 | Toll Free: 1-844-292-1929 office@dunromincampsite.com

CANADA DAY WEEKEND – Birthday Picnic

In Field behind Swimming Pool

Happy Birthday Canada!!  Come celebrate with us in the big field behind the swimming pool.  Hot dogs and Canada Day Birthday Cake provided (while supplies last).  **NOTE** Rain Location - Inside Rec Hall.

CARIBBEAN WEEKEND – The Super Slippery Slope Soap Slide

In Field behind Swimming Pool

Come get super slippery and super soapy on our giant slip n' slide...but try not to bust a gut laughing as you slide down the southern slopes of our Big Field!!  It's extreme, but suitable for all ages.

Water Wars!!

In Field behind Swimming Pool

Join the Dripping Wet Dunrominites in the big field behind the Swimming Pool. Get ready for a soaking - Water Bombs Away! We've got the Water Bombs, but you can bring your own super soakers or water pistols if you want - we'll make teams and allies!


In Field behind Swimming Pool

Join the Dripping Wet Dunrominites at the big field behind the Swimming Pool. Get ready for a soaking - Water Bombs Away! We've got the Water Bombs, but you can bring your own super soakers or water pistols if you want - we'll make teams and allies!

The Super Slippery Slope Soap Slide

In Field behind Swimming Pool

Come get super slippery and super soapy on our giant slip n' slide...but try not to bust a gut laughing as you slide down the southern slopes of our Big Field!!  It's extreme, but suitable for all ages.

LABOUR DAY WEEKEND – Washer Toss Tournament

In Field behind Swimming Pool

Come show off your washer toss skills and put it in the pipe!  Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.  Partners will be randomly selected each round of play.